Harry Houdini has terrified and excited people for over 100 years. From escaping a water torture cell to being buried alive, he did it all. Though his shows changed over the years, one thing stayed the same: his audiences were entranced. 

But where can we find that magic today? Las Vegas, of course! We wanted to find out how eating a great steak dinner can be just as enthralling as watching Houdini escape a straightjacket. So we asked our friend Derek Tadashi Morishita of Sahara Las Vegas to tell us how focusing on the little things can make for a magical customer experience.

Experience: Focusing on the little things

Inspiration: Harry Houdini

Modern Day Execution: Derek Tadashi Morishita, Director of Restaurants, Sahara Las Vegas

Three Takeaways

Constantly re-evaluate your CX and see which little things you can improve.Managers need to lead by example, then their employees will be motivated to work harder.Find a way to make each customer interaction go from good to great.

Key Quotes

"Just because you've been doing something for the last five years and you've been successful doesn't mean you shouldn't change it going forward."“A lot of companies don't talk to their employees. They just try to make changes because they think a change is good, or a higher-up told them to do this versus that.”“There's nothing too small that we can't fix, change, or adapt.”


Derek Tadashi Morishita LinkedIn

Sahara Las Vegas


Thanks to our friends 

This podcast is presented by Oracle CX. 

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