Tobi Millrood is a partner at the firm Pogust Millrood in suburban Philadelphia, PA, and is also President-elect of the American Association for Justice.

Tobi joins Tad and Mike to discuss his upcoming year as President of the American Association for Justice and how he plans to lead the organization, while also maintaining a law practice and directing his caseload.

Tobi also shares a very personal story—the loss of his mother, Sylvia, to COVDI-19.   Unfortunately, as we’ve often seen in the past few months, Sylvia’s contraction of COVID-19 occurred at a nursing home where 20 other patients died, and dozens fell ill. Tobi detailed the tragic circumstances of his mother’s death in an article he wrote for the New York Times entitled, “Why is Mitch McConnell Protecting Nursing Homes?” In the podcast, Tobi shares his mother’s story and the story of her life, illuminating the person who was tragically lost to an illness she should’ve never been exposed to, had the nursing home taken preventative measures. Tobi’s experience with this tragedy has compelled him to fight the nursing home industry in its attempts to obtain blanket immunity from civil lawsuits which may hold them responsible for Sylvia’s deaths and countless others.

To read Tobi’s article, please visit:

To learn more about Tobi’s practice, check out: