Why is it important to take care of yourself and others? In this episode of Office Visits with Dr. V. She talks about the recent suicide of a friend of her husband’s. This heart-wrenching discussion highlights the prevalence of depression and suicidal thoughts, especially among women, and reminds us to be mindful of our loved ones and check in with them even when there are no outward signs of distress.


Dr. V encourages listeners to reach out for help if they are feeling lonely, isolated, or hopeless, no matter how content they may appear on social media or in other aspects of life.


Tune in to this episode of Office Visits with Dr. V, as she reminds listeners of the 911 hotline in case of an emergency!


[00:00 - 00:25] Opening Segment

Dr. V talks about how “Life is short and we should have our purpose”
We can’t know who is struggling with mental health from social media


[00:26 - 06:07] Loneliness Is Life-Threatening

Social media only shows the best of people
Depression can lead to hopelessness and irrational thoughts of suicide
Loneliness is life-threatening
It is not unusual for people to commit suicide without any warning signs
Checking in on people who came across your mind and heart is important, as you could be needed in a special capacity for someone at that time


[06:08 - 12:32] Check In On Your Loved Ones

People may look happy on social media, but this isn’t always true
Check-in with people who are going through stressful times
Mental health does not discriminate by age or other factors
Make it a practice to check in with family and friends


[12:33 – 16:41] Closing Segment

Dr. V reminds listeners to check in with their loved ones and the 911 hotline in case of emergencies!  
Go to  https://officevisitswithdrv.com and click on the coaching tab to schedule a free discovery interview


Tweetable Quotes

“Life is short. You have a purpose here in life and you need to get busy achieving that purpose because we don't know when we won't be here anymore.” - Dr. V


“Make it a practice to check in on your family and friends and loved ones. I'm just asking you to do this one time. One time. I don't want you to have family and friends who are in distress, but I believe you'll be surprised at the responses that you get.” - Dr. V 


Thank you for listening, please like and share this episode with a friend!


If you would like to stay connected and get your questions answered by Dr. V, feel free to reach out!


Facebook: Office Visits with Dr. V

Instagram: Office Visits with Dr. V.

Website: https://officevisitswithdrv.com

Email: [email protected] 


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