In this episode of Office Visits with Dr. V, Dr. V is joined by Dr. Shayla Nettey, Dr. Shayla Nettey is a board-certified Internal Medicine and Obesity Medicine physician. She is the co-founder of Cooking on Purpose Health, a virtual direct-care preventive and obesity medicine practice.  She also serves as chief clinical strategist at a healthcare design agency in Boston.


Dr. Shayla talks about her journey of taking a break from education to spend time with family and reflect on what she wanted out of life. She speaks about how she transitioned to a plant-based diet and how it has impacted her and her daughter’s health.


Tune in to this episode of Office Visits with Dr. V, as Dr. Shayla shares about discovering one’s purpose in medicine, transitioning to a healthy lifestyle practice, and understanding patient perspectives!

[00:00 - 05:29] Opening Segment

Dr. V welcomes Dr. Shayla!
Dr. Shayla is a board-certified Internal Medicine and Obesity Medicine, physician
Her journey to medicine began with reading a book about a cardiothoracic surgeon when she was 17

[05:30 - 15:4] Find Your Purpose In Medicine

How she fell in love with Morehouse School of Medicine
Her baby having only two chambers of the heart was visible on ultrasound, requiring multiple heart surgeries
The journey of preparation and mental preparation to figure out the next steps
It is difficult for doctors to choose something that would increase their baby’s quality of life

[15:45 - 36:53] Celebrating The Journey Through Plant-Based Dieting

Mental health was very important and had to be intentional about it
Coping mechanisms were not necessarily healthy
Learning how to be empathetic and to treat medical professionals as if they know nothing
Social media only shows the end result of someone’s work, not the journey

[36:54 – 47:36] Closing Segment

Dr. Shayla shares about discovering one’s purpose in medicine and transitioning to a healthy lifestyle practice!   
Go to and click on the coaching tab to schedule a free discovery interview


Tweetable Quotes


“Falling in love with the process, whether it's for your physical health, whether it's for your mental health, whether it's for any type of change you want to make, don't focus so much on the result because you don't really know what the end result's going to be… And all of a sudden you'll look up and you'll see you may be further than you thought you would be.” - Dr. Shayla Nettey


“Don't focus so much on the result because you don't really know what the end result's going to be.” - Dr. Shayla Nettey


“I'm not saying that people intentionally put something out that's not real. But we need more people celebrating the journey.” - Dr. V



Connect with Dr. Shayla Nettey on her:







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