In this episode, Dr. V sits down with Dr. Jennifer Griggs to explore how to reclaim our birthright of dignity after it has been violated. She explains what rumination is – the act of replaying past events in an attempt to make sense of them, but ultimately only leads to further damage. She shares methods for reclaiming one’s dignity, such as learning how to advocate for oneself and natural speaking therapy, as well as gardening metaphors that can be used as a tool for healing.


Dr. Griggs emphasizes the importance of being able to name and feel difficult emotions such as sadness, anger, grief, and shame, and how collapsing the storytelling without judgment and recognizing the need that was being met at the time – can provide some detachment from the emotions involved and allow for an honest appraisal of what happened.


Tune in as Dr. Jennifer Griggs explains why healing is so important and encourages us to take action in order to move forward with our lives!


[00:00 - 03:21] Opening Segment

Dr. V welcomes back, Dr. Jennifer Griggs to the show!
Transgressions can lead to feeling victimized and giving away power
Violations of dignity can lead to a host of hot emotions such as anger, grief, shame, guilt, self-loathing, fear, and betrayal

[03:22 - 15:47] Acknowledge Your Emotions To Reclaim Your Dignity

Ruminations are when we replay the past or worry about the future and it affects our sleep and mood
Violations of dignity can affect our social health by crowding out joy, beauty, connection, gratitude, and hope
Reclaiming dignity requires a decision
Acknowledging the violations of dignity in order to heal

[15:48 - 19:18] Discover And Understand Our Dignity

Collapsing the story without judgment can help with detachment and understanding
Identify your part in the event of violations of dignity
Suppressing emotions can lead to physical and mental damage
Reclaiming your dignity is important

[19:19 - 29:41] Closing Segment!

Dr. Griggs encourages listeners to take care of themselves is essential in order to take care of others
Dr. V invites us to visit and click on the coaching tab to schedule a free discovery interview


Tweetable Quotes

“We can't just go in and rip out the weeds and expect everything's going to be able to grow. We have to really get to the root.” – Dr. Griggs


“There's something beautiful about doing it in community and doing it with others and seeing we're not really alone, that these are universal emotions and understanding you have to feel it to heal it.” – Dr. Griggs


“The weeds don't flourish and thrive because they're not getting what they need to grow.” - Dr. V




You can reach Dr. Griggs through her:

Website: Jennifer Griggs

LinkedIn: Dr. Jennifer Griggs

Instagram: Dr. Jennifer Griggs

Facebook: Dr. Jennifer Griggs


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