We have one life and one life only to live, love, grow, and do whatever it is that makes us whole. Here’s the problem: too many of us are stuck living life and dreaming the dreams of others. We ignore the signs of who we are and who we were meant to be, and the ramification of doing so often leads to the deep, dark hole that is depression.

“Thinking about death makes you think about life.” – Ben

Today, I speak to a man who knows a little something about living and dreaming for yourself, not others. He’s Ben Nemtin and his story of battling and overcoming depression and embracing his true self is nothing short of amazing. His new book entitled, “The Buried Life” is a truly awesome read that will open your eyes and set your feet to moving in the right direction. 

“I realized that some of my friends gave me energy and some of them drained me and some of them were inspiring.” – Ben

Depression is very real, but overcoming it is also real and it starts by being brave enough to look in the mirror and making some often hard, but equally rewarding, life choices. We’ve only got this one life, so break out the pen, start listing the things you want to do – the bucket list -- and get busy living! If you’re brave enough to begin that journey, this episode is definitely for you!

“Half the people you look at are struggling.” – Ben


In This Episode

(2:30) – Ben and his friends wanted something physical to remind people of their bucket list accomplishments and what matters. 

(3:05) – He became inspired watching a classmate become an entrepreneur. 

(4:03) – Ben discusses gathering the dreams of others and bringing them to life through art. 

(5:12) – The men he made the documentary with, weren’t close friends when they met.

(6:12) – Surround yourself with people who inspire you.

(6:35) – Scholarship loss and depression come into Ben’s life. 

(7:39) – Follow your true self and how things don’t just happen.

(8:22) – Acting on micro-moments and the power it unleashes. 

(9:12) – Ben details his first deep war with depression and mental health.

(10:25) – Parents try to help Ben by playing therapist. 

(12:04) – People talk about depression now, but years ago, it was kept secret. 

(13:18) – You don’t lose the best parts of you; you just lose touch with them.

(14:57) – Self-evaluation is hard work, but work that must be done. 

(15:22) – Depression is not an overnight process; it’s gradual. 

(19:26) – Origins of The Buried Life are discussed. 

(20:29) – The personal gifts and talents we were born with. 

(22:17) – The role and definition of accountability partners. 

(23:08) – Ben discusses deadlines and the need for accountability.

(25:58) – Assign awards to yourself for meeting deadlines and goals. 

(27:50) – Death can help everyone put life in perspective and cause us to live differently.

(29:41) – How to use your future self to create your best life.

(29:55) – The power of your nine-year-old self. 

(32:33) – Being intentional about the people you spend time with and moving toward the person you want to be. 

(38:44) – Don’t do things for the approval of others, do them for yourself. 

(39:33) – Make sure the dream you’re living is yours.

(39:52) – Depression forced Ben to pivot and find the life he’s living now.

(47:26) – Being honest in relationships and how it impacts both parties. 


Our Guest 

Ben Nemtin is a #1 New York Times bestselling author and co-founder of The Buried Life movement. He’s an in-demand keynote speaker whose message of inspiration has infused hope into thousands worldwide. Over the course of his career, he has delivered more than 500 keynote speeches to major brands and Fortune 500 companies. His story of overcoming challenges and ascending to new heights is one that resonates with people of all walks of life. 


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