There’s a lot of talk out there about OCD, what it is, who has it, and the way it impacts lives. It’s a challenging disorder and so many people navigate this space in life alone. That’s a sad reality, but what’s even sadder is that there are so many others who are open and willing to help them find their way through this mental maze and in the process, introduce them to a better life. 

“You can be happy in multiple versions of your life.” – (6:53), Allison

My guest today is Allison Raskin. She’s a New York Times best-selling author, a podcaster, a screenwriter, an admitted sufferer of OCD, and a staunch mental health advocate. Today, Allison stops by and shares her journey, and how she’s dealt with the challenges she faces while offering insights into how others can overcome whatever mental struggles they’re having in their lives. It’s an eye-opening conversation that sees her being transparent in a powerful way that will impact listeners regardless of where they are in their mental walk. 

"I’m not a kid person; I’m an animal person.” – (21:35), Allison

OCD is very real and it’s time we start having some very real conversations about this condition. It’s also time for sufferers to come out into the light and get the support they so desperately need. Today, we’ll offer that help in the form of Allison Raskin. It’s an incredible time with a dynamic, high-achieving woman.

“OCD is such a misunderstood disorder.” (26:18), Allison

“When I like me more, other people’s opinions of me don’t matter as much.” – (28:11), Allison

In this episode:

(1:35) – Allison shares an interesting perspective on the entertainment industry.

(4:50) – Danny discusses losing his fear as a comic. 

(6:04) – Allison dives deep into her failed engagement including her upcoming book. 

(6:30) – The reason Allison hates the phrase everything happens for a reason.

(7:00) – The danger of getting attached to one version of happiness. 

(7:16) – The liberating feeling of knowing she can be happy in several different paths.

(9:08) – Allison gives tips on writing dating profiles. 

(9:37) – Dating profile turnoffs for Allison.

(12:13) – How Danny met his wife.

(12:44) – Danny justifies the amount he spent on his wedding. 

(13:17) – The wedding is about the community; the marriage is about the couple.

(17:01) – Allison discusses her approach to podcasting. 

(18:00) – Danny discloses the hardest thing about being a podcaster. 

(18:10) – A lot of what Allison makes on her podcast she wouldn’t actually consume. 

(20:00) – Inside marriage jokes. 

(22:54) – The OCD diagnosis. 

(24:20) – Allison and how she treats her OCD. 

(25:11) – How OCD is diagnosed, and Danny admits he’s an OCD gatekeeper. 

(28:40) – The beautiful part of aging. 

(29:03) – The power of claiming what you like about yourself.

(30:20) – Danny discusses where he was prior to meeting his wife. 

(31:00) – Being funny doesn’t mean you can’t be happy.

(31:45) – The challenging part of being a comedian and entertainer once the applause ends. 

(33:45) – Danny needs to cry and finds a way to make it happen. 

(35:10) – Danny shares that he used to have eleven panic attacks per day. 

(36:20) – Going inpatient was Danny’s way of showing himself that he’s taking steps to better his life. 

(36:55) – The Lexapro side effect conversation. 

(38:00) – Allison goes deep with her mental diagnoses, including Contamination OCD.

(39:00) – Inside Contamination OCD.

(40:31) – The concept of the Obsessive Contamination Journal is revealed.

(43:30) – Danny discusses manic fears and the challenges he incurs.

(44:13) – Difficult mental conversations that must take place. 

(45:16) – The challenge of brain-to-mouth filtering. 

(46:59) – Allison and the meal aversion conversation.

(48:54) – Allison and her relationship with medication. 

(51:25) – Defining delicate clothes. 

(52:11) – Washing, cleaning, and habits formed during COVID. 

(53:20) – The most and least behaviors for Allison. 

(54:38) – The need to track herself in public and track people in her home.

Our Guest

Allison Raskin is a woman who wears many hats. She’s a New York Times bestselling author with Young Adult and non-fiction offerings that examine the intersection of mental health and romance. She’s also an accomplished screenwriter who has created shows with FX, Netflix, MTV, YouTube Red, and 20th Century Television. Allison also has a strong Internet presence that includes her YouTube channel, Just Between Us which has over 170 million views. Her Instagram page, Emotional Support Lady is also popular attracting visitors from around the world. She is currently working toward her master’s in psychology, a goal that will help her dive deeper into the subject while serving others in need of mental support. 

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