Previous Episode: A Peek Behind The Curtain
Next Episode: What's Working Right Now

Like I mentioned last week...

One of my knights decided to use his copywriting and marketing skills to wade through millions of REALLY bitter and hateful women online to try and find “the one.”

And after using Facebook ads to bring some attention to his little experiment, it went viral.

And THOUSANDS of haters (mostly women) came out of the woodwork.

Heck, some even threatened to KILL him!

Which just once again confirms what I always say about the mindset of people you find on Facebook.

So what came from all this?

Did he find “the one?”

Did he turn this whole thang into a way to make money?

Or was it something MUCH more valuable... like a life changing self-discovery?

Click here to find out on the latest episode of Off The Chain.

All the best,
Doberman Dan