What leadership style do you have? How do you foster a productive culture? When do you give people autonomy and when do you put your foot down? The decisions around how to lead a team can affect how successful a project delivery is. How did the pandemic and working from home impact things? Hosts James & Josh explore these questions and look at ways to engage the team.
Different leadership styles
The value of delegating
How to keep people invested in the project
Boundaries when working from home
Tooling the team for the current times
Giving autonomy
Putting your foot down
The curse of analysis paralysis
How team structure affects leadership styles
Creating a positive culture around leadership when starting a business
Open Source software leadership
How different management styles anchorage flow state
Showing vulnerability from the leader
Ensuring a work / life balance
* Management book recommendation (https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0008128049/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_JAPVW9D94SHAV1R9FDCW)
* Vulnerability (https://www.forbes.com/sites/danschawbel/2013/04/21/brene-brown-how-vulnerability-can-make-our-lives-better/)
Find out more about Stac and Parallax:
* Stac (https://stac.works)
* Parallax (https://parall.ax)

What leadership style do you have? How do you foster a productive culture? When do you give people autonomy and when do you put your foot down? The decisions around how to lead a team can affect how successful a project delivery is. How did the pandemic and working from home impact things? Hosts James & Josh explore these questions and look at ways to engage the team.

Different leadership styles
The value of delegating
How to keep people invested in the project
Boundaries when working from home
Tooling the team for the current times
Giving autonomy
Putting your foot down
The curse of analysis paralysis
How team structure affects leadership styles
Creating a positive culture around leadership when starting a business

Open Source software leadership
How different management styles anchorage flow state
Showing vulnerability from the leader
Ensuring a work / life balance


Management book recommendation

Find out more about Stac and Parallax:
