Ask any fan for their top five James Bond films and most will include The Spy Who Loved Me among them.

After the dismal failure of The Man With The Golden Gun. the James Bond franchise was having an existential crisis. Harry Salzman had left, Kevin McClory was hovering around, threatening to make a rival film which prevented Cubby Broccolli from reintroducing Blofeld and Spectre back into the Bond fold.

007 needed a big statement film to stay relevant and re-engage the public and in The Spy Who Loved Me it succeeded. This lavish production produced one of the best stunts of all time, spawned sound stage in the world and gave us one of the most entertaining James Bond movies ever.

The film was the first of two Bond films penned by Christopher Wood. Much of the movie's humour comes from Wood, who under a pseudonym wrote a long series of naughty sex comedy farce novels during the 70s and 80s.  The second film he wrote was Moonraker, which succeded The Spy Who Loved Me.

Graham, Terry and Gary analyse and celebrate this film. Its importance to the franchise and to ourselves. We also, hopefully, successfully, argue that the movie has relevance today in 2020.

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