As James Bond fans we wll have a special place in the heart for those films from it's half century run that we love but know deep down is a bit of a stinker. The Man With The Golden Gun is such a film.

Roger Moore's second outing as 007 is also co-producer Harry Salzman's final Bond film and between the hokey, tacked on plot, dissappointing ticket reciepts and subsequent legal wranglings following Salzman's departure the film almost ended the franchise. Quite an achievement, given the stellar line-up, one of the most iconic Bond villains, memorable gadgets and some superb action set-pieces.

In this episode of the Oddjob Pod, Gary, Graham & Terry celebrate the hot mess that is The Man With Golden Gun: its ups, its downs, it's magnificent abdomen and tin whistles.

Some terrible sporting metaphors await plus we ask exactly when is the right time to wear a bikini?
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