Notes, Episode #6

Asking the right questions at the right moment in your life can open the way for God to bring about changes you have always longed for. In this episode I give a new spin to a common coaching tool, the “ideal life” exercise so you can explore what your "ideal life" in Christ looks like and potential gaps between your daily spiritual life experience and ideally where you’d like to be in relation to Christ. 

I also provide a downloadable resource to help you explore this more deeply privately. So, what does your ideal life in Christ look like? And, who really in or Jesus?

I challenge you to visualize yourself at a time in the future when you’re living your ideal life spiritually in Christ. Consider the following questions:

What’s much more important now? What is less of a priorityWhat are your habits and spiritual practices? How did you develop these and why?What had to change?Describe your role in this union. 

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You've probably heard the old adage "to be kind because everyone is fighting a battle". Truly we all are, but we shouldn't be without support. Not everyone has the support that can and does make ALL the difference in winning! I'd love to side with you to help you win against the obstacles that prevent you from experiencing the intimacy you desire. What do you need more of in your spiritual life? Stability? Healing? Peace of mind, newness of life?

You still have a chance to get my help! I'm giving away a 2-week email coaching package. Solid spiritual friendships enable us to grow in important ways. Through coaching, I become that spiritual friend devoted to helping you grow in your friendship with Christ!  Get the details about this free special email coaching package now.

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Mentioned in this episode:
Ideal Spiritual Life Exercise (available inside the Ocean of Mercy Circle)
Episode #5     7 Ways to Know Your Love for God Goes Beyond Sentiment

Next episode: How Control, Freedom, and Surrender Affects Your Happiness!

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