In this end of Season 1 Episode, I share my Magnanimous Woman Manifesto, a compelling Life Ideal for professional women who lead through executive management or oversight of a department, program, or an entire organization--for whom personal and moral excellence matter. If you are someone who has always aimed high or strived to do great things all your life, you are likely a magnanimous soul.

Especially if you seem "driven" to conquer the summit of professional achievement and personal excellence. The means is as important as the end to you. You are constantly inspiring and uplifting everyone in you sphere of strive for personal greatness and delight in helping others to do the same. Alexander Havard defines people like this as magnanimous. I'm one of these souls, and I suspect you are too!

I wrote this Manifesto just for you. And, in Season 2 of this podcast we'll explore and discuss this remarkable lifestyle which I call simply living magnanimously in union with Christ--the source of our hope, healing, and ongoing transformation in life. Listen now and get your copy of the Magnanimous Woman Manifesto.

Then join us in the Podcast Circle of magnanimous women to explore, learn, and grow in our understanding and practice of this beautiful life ideal. We welcome your questions, comments, and can't wait to surround you with support and friendship!

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Join the Ocean of Mercy Circle, This is my new community for professional women who lead through executive oversight and management of departments, programs, or organizations ...and seek to attain personal and moral excellence through intimate friendship with Jesus Christ. Here we support your aspirations to strive for greatness in who you are (your character) --and through what you do (your work)! This is the place for magnanimous women--women striving wholeheartedly to be the difference in their families, communities, and the world! If this resonates with you, we’re your tribe…your circle of magnanimous sisters, welcome! Get the free Magnanimous Woman Manifesto!

Mentioned in this episode:
Magnanimous Woman Manifesto
Ocean of Mercy Podcast Circle
Created for Greatness-The Power of Magnanimity by Alexandre Havard

Next episode: Wholehearted Living for the Magnanimous Woman

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