There isn’t a single complete scientific model of persuasion. Most people, therefore, believe that persuasion is more an art than a science. In addition, most of our attempts to persuade are doomed to fail because the brains of your audience are wired to automatically reject messages that disrupt their attention.
In this podcast, we will learn that Persuasion can all be linked to brain science and that the Primal Brain of your audience (the most primitive section of their brain) drives their decision-making process. You will also discover what can stimulate that primal organ and how this translates into four critical questions you need to address to maximize your probability to PERSUADE.
About our guest: PATRICK RENVOISECo-Founder & Chief Persuasion Officer, SalesBrain
Prior to co-founding SalesBrain Patrick, an expert in complex sales, was in charge of Business Development first at Silicon Graphics then at LinuxCare. While marketing super-computers and multi-million software solutions to some of the world’s most brilliant scientists at NASA, Shell, Boeing, Airbus, BMW, and more, he became fascinated by the human brain. Patrick then started to investigate a scientific model to explain how humans use their brain to make buying decisions.
He spent 2 years researching and formalizing the first, 100% science-based PERSUASION model called NeuroMAP™. In 2002 Patrick and his business partner Dr. Christophe Morin co-authored the first book on Neuromarketing and published NeuroMAP™. This proprietary, award-winning methodology has been used for the past 16 years to help over 6,000 companies worldwide SCIENTIFICALLY PERSUADE.