Welcome to the Obsessed Podcast, where we dive deep into all things Enneagram with the Enneagram superstar, Dr. Tom LaHue. In this episode, we will explore the nine different Enneagram types and how the Enneagram can change relationships. We are joined by co-hosts Life Coach Brittni Finlay and Enneagram Enthusiast and Pampered Chef Phenom Teri Bales.

Learn more about Dr. Tom @ https://tomlahue.com

The Enneagram is a personality typing system that helps individuals understand themselves and others better. There are nine different Enneagram types, each with its own unique motivations, fears, and behaviors.

Type 1, also known as the Perfectionist, is driven by a desire to be good and right. They have a strong sense of right and wrong and are motivated by the need to improve themselves and the world around them.

Type 2, the Helper, is motivated by a desire to be loved and needed. They are often generous and giving, but can also be manipulative in their efforts to help others.

Type 3, the Achiever, is driven by a desire to succeed and be recognized for their accomplishments. They are often goal-oriented and can struggle with feeling like they are never doing enough.

Type 4, the Individualist, is motivated by a desire to be unique and special. They are often creative and introspective, but can also struggle with feelings of envy and melancholy.

Type 5, the Investigator, is driven by a desire to understand and have knowledge. They are often independent and cerebral, but can also struggle with social interactions and emotional expression.

Type 6, the Loyalist, is motivated by a desire for security and stability. They are often loyal and responsible, but can also struggle with anxiety and indecisiveness.

Type 7, the Enthusiast, is driven by a desire to experience life to the fullest. They are often spontaneous and adventurous, but can also struggle with impulsivity and avoiding negative emotions.

Type 8, the Challenger, is motivated by a desire for control and power. They are often assertive and decisive, but can also struggle with vulnerability and empathy.

Type 9, the Peacemaker, is driven by a desire for harmony and peace. They are often easy-going and adaptable, but can also struggle with indecisiveness and avoidance of conflict.

Understanding the Enneagram types can help individuals better understand themselves and others. It can also provide insight into how different types can interact and affect one another in relationships.

For example, a Type 2 and Type 8 may struggle in a relationship because the Type 2 may feel overshadowed by the Type 8's assertiveness and need for control. Similarly, a Type 4 and Type 7 may struggle because the Type 7's desire for constant stimulation may clash with the Type 4's need for introspection and emotional depth.

However, through understanding and awareness of each other's Enneagram types, individuals can learn to navigate these differences and strengthen their relationships. This can include practicing empathy, communication, and understanding each other's motivations and fears.

Learn more about Brittni Finlay @ https://uncagedcoach.com

Learn more about Teri Bales here: Chef Teri's Website