You can do hard things. You are strong and you are capable to do ANYTHING! Tia Walden is back--after a post-partum break which involves loving on the cutest Obsessed baby of all times. Tia knows that you can do hard--we can do hard--listen in to her inspirational message, but first a note from Tia:

Just trust the process, surrender to it, and. If today feels almost impossible to get through, remember that you have made it through the hardest days of your life in the past, and you will make it through today too, and tomorrow will be a new day. No matter what happens the rest of this day, no matter what happens the rest of the night, you will make it through tomorrow, and tomorrow is a new day to.

New energy and new experiences and that this moment or any of the moments that you feel are almost impossible to get through won't last forever, that you will be able to get through these times of grief or hardship or unknown uncertainty, whatever it is you may be dealing with today. , it was meant for you.

This is part of your path, and you are going to survive because you have survived every single thing that you thought you wouldn't. And I know you will make it through this too. And this is the moment that you discover your power. This is the day that you realize that it's always been within you, and it always will be within you because it's always been you.

You don't need to rely on anything outside. You don't need to rely on any of the circumstances. You're. Within or rely on any of the people around you. You only need to rely on yourself because you are strong. You have that strength within you, and you are capable of making it through anything and everything you put your mind to.

So get obsessed with your life. Get obsessed with who you are, not the circumstances that you are in, and you will be able make it through everything that is put into your path. xoxo-Tia

Get Obsessed with us. Collectively we are a nutritionist, a master certified life coach, an attorney, and a self-esteem expert. We dive into topics that uncover the essence of the human experience. Our stories are one of kicking fear in the face and taking a leap of faith.

We are equally obsessed with the works of Brene Brown and are inspired to study and understand the 30 core emotions. Each week we will explore another emotion, talk to experts in their field and inspire you to live the life you are meant to be living.

We are Julie Lokun, JD, Tia Morell Walden, Certified Holistic Nutritionist, and Mika Altidor, Certified Life Coach. Join us for the conversation, and more importantly be a part of the conversation. Reach out with a question or comment about an episode or suggest a personal development topic you are obsessed with. After all, the Obsessed Podcast is for you and about you.

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