During our youth, we all nurture grand aspirations for our lives, eagerly taking on the world with unwavering determination. Yet, life often throws unforeseen challenges our way, derailing us from our intended path - one such formidable obstacle being cancer.

Cancer presents a unique set of trials for the afflicted and their loved ones. For many, it becomes a moment for profound reflection, prompting a reevaluation of long-held priorities and values, while unspoken dreams and desires come to the forefront.

Many survivors express gratitude for the additional lease on life, reorienting their perspective to savor moments and let trivial matters fade into insignificance. This transformation is fostered by a newfound sense of purpose and a crystal-clear outlook on the future, a perspective sharpened by the stark reality of a life hanging in the balance.

In this episode, we are joined once again by Sedruola Maruska, who shares her remarkable journey after being diagnosed with breast cancer, and her pursuit of a redefined life filled with happiness and hope. Her experience offers invaluable insights for those seeking a mindset rejuvenation.

Sedruola, affectionately known as Sadie, is a dynamic speaker and consultant specializing in accountability, equity, inclusion, and social justice. Her focus lies in nurturing diverse cultures and spaces. Her podcast, Diversity Dish, engages in conversations with individuals from marginalized backgrounds, recounting their experiences, resilience, and strategies for combating discrimination, bias, and racism across various industries.

Key Takeaways from This Episode:

02:23 - Facing the diagnosis of breast cancer08:56 - The battle against breast cancer15:02 - Embracing openness and self-compassion19:28 - Redefining the meaning of success20:18 - Breaking free from the default mode23:50 - Becoming the guardian of your own life

Connect with Sedruola Maruska:

Website: Diversity DishPodcast: Diversity Dish on Apple PodcastsLinkedIn: Sedruola Maruska on LinkedIn

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