CHECK OUT Ally Ubiparipovic from 815 YOGA on Episode 065 on the HAPPY-HEALTHY-STRONG PODCAST!

At the center of 815Yoga is our founder, our heart and soul, Ally Ubiparipovic. Her mission is to inspire a wave of self-care so fierce, the whole world heals. With a background in Classical Hatha Yoga, Yoga Philosophy, Vinyasa and Power Yoga, Usui Reiki, and Esoteric Astrology, she is equipped with healing tools and resources to nurture your body, mind, and spirit.

After her first yoga teacher training in Costa Rica in 2016, Ally started 815Yoga out of her basement, clients’ homes, local parks, CrossFit gyms… anywhere she could lay down a yoga mat. Quickly she grew tired of her “mobile yoga studio” and decided it was time for a more suitable space. Ally brought 815Yoga to life when she was 23 years old and has since touched the hearts of more than 2,000 students through yoga. At 815Yoga she brings together ancient tradition and modern movement to provide challenging and FUN classes for an ever-growing community of like-minded individuals seeking personal growth and deeper human connection.

CHECK OUT ALLY AND 815 YOGA ON FB & IG @815yoga and

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