Sorry about the clickbaity title...but Scott understands what changes need to take place so you are able to lock down the last diet you'll ever need!

Scott specializes in changing lives and making transformations so people can keep their results for a lifetime! Scott owns 6 gyms and is co-founder of PT Legends so he can help coaches coach people to life-changing habits.

One of the most important things to remember when you are working towards your goals is that there are no shortcuts. You have to put in the hard work and dedication if you want to be successful. This is certainly true for Scott Carpenter, who embodies the American dream by rising from humble beginnings to achieve unparalleled success. 

Through determination, grit, and a refusal to give up, Scott has become a legend in his field. Scott's journey is an inspiration to anyone looking to make their dreams a reality. Follow his example and never give up on your dreams!  

Enjoy the show!
