New years resolutions are something that is so improtant and you need to set yourself up for success.

Even during this holiday time you're going to be socialising so you need to be focusing on being good too.

So I just say for most people, just focus on good behaviours, focus on what we always talk about.

The daily habits are there to rely on no matter what. Get in your protein, your fruits, your veggies daily. Those are three things you can focus on every single day.

 Don't try and track your meals out.

Don't try and track your Chrissy events.

You will cause yourself more stress at the end of the day.

Mac: If your clients know you've had someone for maybe six months, they've built good foundations, they've got good education under their belt, now they're at this point.

They're obviously in a prime position, they've learned what they need to learn the majority of the time, they're still going to face issues, don't get me wrong.

But someone who's just recently started tracking their food, would you still say to do partial tracking to keep an eye on things or just eyeball things and be as accurate as you can without being too obsessive?

If people still want to track, they can track.

But I would just say don't track your meals out. The general rule is to save yourself a thousand calories each time, and people don't like that I say that.

Oh, what if they don't know what's in the food? I'm like, no one knows what's in the food!

So remember, focus on a good healthy new year.

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