Michelle Wax, creator of the American Happiness Documentary, shares what discovered interviewing people across the nation. What creates more happiness and fulfillment and most importantly, how you can be happier starting today.

Show Notes:

Happiness Audit — The American Happiness Project (american-happiness.com) Documentary Premiere — The American Happiness Project (american-happiness.com) 3 Step Morning Routine: 1) What can I look forward to today. 2) What has the potential to stress me out or worry me today and how will I choose to respond to it. 3) How do I want to feel at the end of today and what do I have to do or not so to make that a realty?

Michelle Wax, creator of the American Happiness Documentary, shares what discovered interviewing people across the nation. What creates more happiness and fulfillment and most importantly, how you can be happier starting today.

Show Notes:

Happiness Audit — The American Happiness Project (american-happiness.com) Documentary Premiere — The American Happiness Project (american-happiness.com) 3 Step Morning Routine: 1) What can I look forward to today. 2) What has the potential to stress me out or worry me today and how will I choose to respond to it. 3) How do I want to feel at the end of today and what do I have to do or not so to make that a realty?