We are in a state of panic across our healthcare and economic systems. Nurses are being overworked to care for the unimaginable number of people afflicted with Coronavirus and those who have other health ailments. It puts an enormous amount of stress on them. Sometimes nurses don't have healthy coping outlets and end up indulging in habits that can derail their goals. Overspending, excess shopping, are some of the habits encountered.

Gaby Delismé is the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Facing Finances, LLC. The mission of Facing Finances is to educate, empower, and enrich the lives of those on the journey to financial freedom. Prior to venturing out on her own, Gaby was the Vice President and Administrative Manager of a large retirement firm directly responsible for revenues of $56.6 million and leading teams in excess of 160 people. Education and remaining current with regards to industry hot buttons are very important to Gaby. She pushes herself and those around her to stay focused on their goals and position themselves as life-learners

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