Previous Episode: 012- Nutrition
Next Episode: 014- Pet Care

Do you ever feel like a victim to your own story? Life is full of challenges and setbacks. How do we heal from them and continue to get back up time and time again? Jeremy has experienced several life altering events and in spite of them he lives a full life with his beautiful wife. It isn't his experiences that shaped him but it's how he lived through them that has made him the person he is today. 

Grit is defined by 5 characteristics:


Grit is a trendy buzz word often used in the business world, and in some ways it's lost it's value. However, grit is what Jeremy has to navigate through a life full of pain and beauty.

Here are some of the topics we will explore:

our choices make us who we aretaking care of yourself so you can care for othersthere are few decisions that can't be undone


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Thank you Chris Weldon for the original music.
Thank you Sojin Ouh for your creative design.

Thank you for listening!

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