Dive deep into the world of sales psychology with me, Sixteen Ramos, in this informative episode, where we unravel the mysteries of The Decoy Effect and its impact on customer decisions. Discover how this subtle yet powerful pricing strategy can transform your approach to sales and branding.

In this episode, we masterfully combine storyselling and brand storytelling, providing you with actionable sales tips to enhance your sales strategy. Learn how to implement The Decoy Effect in various industries, from tech giants to your local coffee shop, and see how it can positively influence your sales outcomes.

Whether you're a seasoned sales professional or new to the world of branding and sales, this episode offers valuable insights into the psychological underpinnings of consumer choices and how you can leverage them in your business.

Visit https://sixteenramos.com for more resources and strategies.

And don't miss out on my latest book, "From Browsers to Buyers," the ultimate A.I. playbook for brands. Available at https://sixteenramos.com/from-browsers-to-buyers.