I'm answering all your questions and more... we're talking gear, editing, platforms, all the goods! 🙌
As an introvert, the idea of serving valuable content without the effort required by blogging and live-streaming was really appealing to me. Plus, it takes low to 0 investment to start a show.
But because of the low barrier in starting, it's no surprise that 75% of podcasts created don't get past their 7th episode. This is called "podfade" – it's when a show gradually stops releasing new episodes, and eventually falls off the map.
👉 So to save you some time, here's what you need you need to know before starting your own podcast!
🎙 Are you interested in learning more about how you can make podcasts work for your biz? Let me know!
Download and share this to everyone! 🙌
StorySelling Masterclass 2.0 is now OPEN FOR ENROLMENT! Apply here: https://sixteenramos.com/storyselling-masterclass

This 12-week is the only content marketing program that helps you DOUBLE your revenue through story and sales psychology.

 30+ videos and 9 modules that show you how to:

- Dominate your niche

- Position an irresistible offer

- Build a magnetic brand

- Eatablish an automated & high-converting sales funnel 

- Attract, engage, and convert organically with StorySelling-infused content

- Implement a strong and cohesive marketing plan while having a team behind you to help you gather data and make improvements

 This course is done-with-you with a done-for-you elements:

- We generate 12 weeks of on-brand content for your business 

- We write copy that's packed with personality

- We build your funnel whether you have a product or a service-based business

- We create your very own brand kit so you can stay consistent

Be part of a community of 100+ students that have made $10M in total revenue.

 Apply for the Masterclass: https://sixteenramos.com/storyselling-masterclass

Once approved, you'll get on a 45-minute 6-Figure Action Plan Call where we map out the profit blueprint for your business!

During the call, we'll:

- Draw out a complete roadmap to consistent sales, aligned with your targets

- Establish a marketing strategy you can implement today

- Identify the gaps in your marketing and determine a fix so you can start doing more of what works!

It's a fun call where we go over some math, light numbers, and custom planning! See you there!


04:40 - All About Podcasts
07:22 - Podfade
08:33 - How do you know you're ready for a podcast?
08:55 - Niche Topic
10:00 - Being passionate about the topic
10:27 - Having audience or clientele
11:35 - Ask your audience what they want to learn about
12:15 - Have an idea of what you want it to be
14:40 - What are the things you need to know?
18:16 - Where to begin your podcast?
18:35 - Plan your genre and your format
19:24 - Map out your schedule
20:15 - Consider your gear
22:48 - Editing platform
24:13 - Creating show notes and timestamps
24:58 - Platform to distribute podcast