Did you know that a customer needs 7-12 exposures to your brand / products before they sign up or purchase?

 That's a lot, but that's because there's so much that goes on in a customer's mind before they make that move. 

 As a marketer, your content has to follow them on that decision-making journey so that they can truly see that YOUR product or service is what they need. 

 In this episode, I break down each step of the customer's journey and how you can address them with creative content and sales strategies 


Scripts to Turn One-Time Buyers into Repeat Customers


 Stats show that it is 5-25x more expensive to acquire a brand new customer than it is to retain an old one. I know, that’s mindblowing! 

 To create loyal customers, you’ll need to learn upselling and cross-selling skills and scripts. And this is what this PDF guide is for! You’ll have a MASSIVE list of loyal, repeat buyers in no time!

 Get it here, along with other high-value tools: sixteenramos.com/resources 

Timestamps and Highlights:

00:58 - Stream Labs
01:41 - Customers Psychology
03:26 - Good at Posting Two Things
04:06 - Customer's Journey
05:08 - Steps of the Customer's Journey
06:05 - Awareness
09:39 - Transformations
10:41 - Research
13:15 - Consideration
17:36 - Purchasing
19:06 - Less Click
20:48 - After Sales Support
23:28 - Repeat Purchase
25:26 - One Time Customers to Loyal Customers
26:28 - Incentives