We held our 2021 National Conference virtually, on 12-13 October, with an exciting line-up of speakers from both Australia and overseas, including a number of Nuffield Scholars. Our 2021 National Conference explored how Australian agriculture can achieve a better and more sustainable future and bolster our contribution by aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). More details: https://conference.nuffield.com.au/2021/

Check the times below to skip ahead to each part of the session

@ 01:10 - Ewan McAsh, 2021 Nuffield Scholar, Founder Smart Oysters

@ 17:10 - Paul Niven, 2014 Nuffield Scholar

@ 28:40 - Panel session

@ 55:30 - Roger Mercer, 1986 UK Nuffield Scholar

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To watch the video of this session visit - https://youtu.be/fgq4UbS_SYY


David Brownhill, Facilitator and 1998 NSW Scholar: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Merrilong%20Pastoral%20Company%20Pty%20LTD/639865373025323

Ewan McAsh, 2012 NSW Scholar, Smart Oysters: https://www.nuffield.com.au/ewan-mcash-2012

Paul Niven, 2014 China-based Scholar: https://www.nuffield.com.au/paul-niven-2014

Andrew Sargent, 2019 SA Scholar, grain producer: https://www.nuffield.com.au/andrew-sargent-2019

Tom Moore, 2019 NSW Scholar, free range egg producer: https://www.nuffield.com.au/thomas-moore-2019

Bec Burnham, 2019 QLD Scholar, beef producer: https://www.nuffield.com.au/rebecca-comiskey-2019

Natasha Shields, 2019 VIC Scholar, vegetable grower: https://www.nuffield.com.au/natasha-shields-2019

Roger Mercer, 1986 UK Scholar: Chairman of Mercer Farming, Past Chair of Nuffield International: https://www.mercerfarming.co.uk/

Total run time: 1 hour 2 mins

Podcast produced by www.growloveproject.com