We held our 2021 National Conference virtually, on 12-13 October, with an exciting line-up of speakers from both Australia and overseas, including a number of Nuffield Scholars. Our 2021 National Conference explored how Australian agriculture can achieve a better and more sustainable future and bolster our contribution by aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). More details: https://conference.nuffield.com.au/2021/

Check the times below to skip ahead to each part of the session

@ 01:30 - Gabriela Burian, Global Director for Multi-stakeholder Partnerships, Bayer

@ 09:15 - Lachlan Monsbourgh, Head of Sustainable Business Development Global, Rural Clients, Rabobank

@ 19:35 - Panel session

@ 67:41 - Meet the 2022 Nuffield Scholars

Please complete this feedback form about this conference day to assist us with ongoing improvements - https://s.surveyplanet.com/4enngo0k

To watch the video of this session visit - https://youtu.be/P41rCm_gCoc


Emma Germano, Facilitator and 2014 VIC Scholar: https://emma-germano.com/
Gabriela Burian, Sustainable Food Systems Lead, Bayer: https://croplife.org/industry-profile/female-foodheroes-gabriela-burian/
Lachlan Monsbourgh, Rabobank’s Head of Sustainable Business Development
Jake Newnham, 2019 TAS Scholar, cherry producer:  https://www.nuffield.com.au/jake-newnham-2019
Tom Green, 2019 SA Scholar, beef producer: https://www.nuffield.com.au/thomas-green-2019
Alistair Corr, 2019 QLD Scholar, beef producer: https://www.nuffield.com.au/alistair-corr-2019
Tamara Uebergang, 2019 QLD Scholar, cotton grower: https://www.nuffield.com.au/tamara-uebergang-2019

Total run time: 1 hour 11 mins

Podcast produced by www.growloveproject.com