Special report on Three Mile Island on the eve of the 33rd anniversary, including host Libbe HaLevy's personal story of having been one mile away when it happened; Exclusive interview w/Dr. Helen Caldicott; 15 Koodankulam activists now 9 days into a fast to the death to stop two nuclear reactors from going online; ongoing radiation woes in Japan; North Anna hits NRC's "Unusual Occurrence" list yet again (it's not so unusual...); and according to Japanese psychiatric workers, if you're afraid of radiation, you're nuts!

With thanks to sources for the Three Mile Island Special: Voices from TMI on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fmmdh8Xlbvg, compiled and uploaded by Mark Catlin; and
"A is for Atom" – a film by Adam Curtis – Dictaphone audio from inside TMI. http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/adamcurtis/2011/03/a_is_for_atom.html#