INTERVIEW: Author Kristen Iversen on the history of the Manhattan Project and plutonium trigger manufacturing waste at Rocky Flats, which is about to open as a Colorado Wildlife Refuge . NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK: The New York Times goes in for hard core hormesis (no - Whore-YOU-sis) propaganda that completely undercuts its reputation as the "Great Gray Lady" of U.S. journalism and turns it into a shill for radiation deniers everywhere. PLUS: San Onofre secret meetings over waste and failed clean-up at the Los Angeles area Santa Susana Field Lab both subjects of major investigative reports by southern California mainstream media; five US nuclear reactors have NRC-level "unusual" events - isn't that the definition of "usual?" US Senator petitions Secretary of State John Kerry to intervene with our deadly international neighbor to the north - Canada - to prevent to construction of the nuclear waste storage facility within one mile of the shores of Lake Huron; and no, the enormous wolf fish caught in Japan is not the result of radioactivity and mutation - it's just a big ol' ugly fish.