INTERVIEW: Mary Beth Brangan of EON3 on the recent event she helped to product, FUKUSHIMA CONTAMINATION In the Ocean and in the Biosphere with Timothy Mousseau and Ken Buessler. NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK: What to do with former plutonium contaminated nuke sites? Why, if you're Rocky Flats in Colorado, just turn it into a nature preserve! And don't be ironic about it! PLUS: Typhoon Etau floods Fukushima and sends radioactive water into the Pacific as it washes away 395 bags of decontaminated dirt and plant material; NRC drops study of cancer rates near nuclear reactors as "too expensive" at a mere $8 million; and a South Korean town wants a referendum to stop construction of new nukes because the government had shut them out of the decision-making process. Sounds like us.