Wonder what the future of work holds? Nela Richardson, Chief Economist at ADP and co-head of the ADP Research Institute, alongside Marcus Buckingham, shared her predictions during our Digital Meetup!

In my opinion, Nela Richardson is one of the best researchers in the world on the economy, jobs, and work. If you are thinking about the workforce, job trends, HR, or HRTech, listen to this interactive chat with Jess Von Bank, Nela Richardson, and I. 

the global economy, work and labor market trends, the impact of Generative AI on the job market, and what the future holds. Nela also dives into what ADP is doing to prepare HR for the changing world of work. Understanding the Future of Work is to understand macro trends in the global economy and labor market. So far, 2023 checks the box on a lot of macro trends, including slowing global growth with advanced economies contributing the least, the return of inflation, rising wages in pockets, but a decline in productivity and a smaller labor force. 4B people now have access to the internet, or half the world population. That's four times what it used to be, illustrating a growing digital economy.