Do you read every email you get from your employer and HR department? Imagine if you got a text notification instead at the beginning of your shift? Because they know when your shift starts and that you’re primarily mobile. Or imagine if you were a salesperson who spends most of your time in Salesforce, so that’s where personalized communications go for you! Right in the newsfeed in the system where you spend most of your time.
In other words, imagine if your employer really knew you and met you where you are? Instead of spamming the workforce with everything you might possibly need but can’t possibly read? 
Intelligent communication has the power to shape and create exceptional, frictionless Employee Experiences. This not only boosts efficiency and productivity, making it easier for employees to perform, but also demonstrates care and empathy during critical moments that matter.
Jess Von Bank and I loved chatting with Nicole Alvino, CEO of Firstup and Sabra Sciolaro, their CPO, on our Digital Meetup. Nicole and Sabra joined us in discussing: how organizations can make intelligent communication an integral part of your Employee Experience plan, their highlights from our recent webinar, and their newly launched white paper.