In our season 4 finale, we chat with Dr. Chris Hugenholtz, PhD, and Thomas Barchyn from the Faculty of Art’s Department of Geography. They are behind the technology and the research program for PoMELO, a vehicle-based methane emissions management system for the upstream oil and gas sector. They discuss how their research and technology for detecting methane emissions, a greenhouse gas, is an important step to help mitigate climate change. We also discuss their innovation journey and the decision to license their technology through the university versus creating a startup company. 

Learn more about PoMELO.

Learn more about Innovate Calgary’s Energy Transition Centre.

Learn how to move your research-to-impact in the Innovation@UCalgary ecosystem.

In our season 4 finale, we chat with Dr. Chris Hugenholtz, PhD, and Thomas Barchyn from the Faculty of Art’s Department of Geography. They are behind the technology and the research program for PoMELO, a vehicle-based methane emissions management system for the upstream oil and gas sector. They discuss how their research and technology for detecting methane emissions, a greenhouse gas, is an important step to help mitigate climate change. We also discuss their innovation journey and the decision to license their technology through the university versus creating a startup company. 

Learn more about PoMELO.

Learn more about Innovate Calgary’s Energy Transition Centre.

Learn how to move your research-to-impact in the Innovation@UCalgary ecosystem.