Do you relate to the idea of grieving your body? Have you ever heard this term before, body grief? We know that for SO many of our clients, the term body grief finally offers a description of how they feel IN their bodies. It offers language to the challenging emotions you feel about your body.


Grief is a challenging and intricate emotion. Our emotions affect our ability to care for ourselves, and experiencing grief is no different.  


Grief will absolutely affect how we care for our bodies.  This is why it’s important to allow ourselves to grieve and mourn what is lost, even if that means grieving the idea of a body that we never actually had.  We grieve the loss of our “ideal” body.  We grieve the loss of the fantasy of what a perfect body will give us in our lives.


This is where I often tell clients that the only way out is through.  Through the grief, through the pain, through the disappointment and frustration. Listen to today’s episode to learn more about body grief including the 5 stages of body grief so you can identify the specific stage you’re in.


Grab our free guide, the Hunger Fullness Scale, for a limited time only by clicking here. 


Other episodes on body image and body grief: Your Weight is Not Your Worth, 5 Ways to Feel More Confident in Your Body on a Daily Basis, Allowing Yourself to Grieve Your Here and Now Body with Bri Campos, and Signs Your Relationship with Your Body Needs Repair.


Right now, we are currently booking April and May spots for private coaching! Private coaching is the highest level of care we offer at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, and is certainly the fastest way to reach your goals of food and body peace, leaving food (and wellness) obsession behind in 2023. 


Reach out in the next week to grab our spring special including $50 off breakthrough sessions and $150 off your first installment of a 3 or 6 month package.


Resources for you:


Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN: