There’s a 9 out of 10 chance you’ve heard of the book, Atomic Habits. It’s a NYT bestseller. And there's a good reason for that! I really love this idea of breaking down habits into small, incremental steps so they actually become habitual.


Yet as is true for most things, the weight centric approach is all over the book. Why is it that all self help books use weight loss as their example for how to change with EVERYTHING?


It’s so frustrating! I wish the world could see that we can work on forming habits and improving our health without fixating on weight or appearance. Unfortunately we’re just not there yet as a society. But that’s what we’re working towards in the anti-diet world!


Since I think there’s actually good insight from the book to glean, but I know it could be so triggering for many of you, I’m recording this episode to help you get all the juicy details out of the book, and applying it to your anti-diet health journey.


Listen to today’s episode to learn how to make the book Atomic Habits anti-diet and support your health journey, without being triggered by the book’s rampant weight loss examples.


Grab our free guide, the Hunger Fullness Scale, for a limited time only by clicking here.


Right now, we are currently booking March and April spots for private coaching! Private coaching is the highest level of care we offer at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, and is certainly the fastest way to reach your goals of food and body peace, leaving food (and wellness) obsession behind in 2023.


Resources for you:

Join our FREE support group for like-minded women, the Nourishing Women Community for more community & support.

Take a look at our online shop, the Wellness Without Obsession Shop to have all the resources you need to make peace with food and your body, and live wellness without obsession.

Interested in private coaching? Click here to learn more about our breakthrough sessions and 3 and 6 month packages.


Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

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Victoria’s Website

Nourishing Minds Nutrition Instagram

Nourishing Minds Nutrition website