Our body is with us wherever we go. And yet, we don't always feel comfortable living inside of them.

When we're young, we view our bodies through the lens of exploration. Our bodies allow us to do the things we want to do — moving, playing, jumping, and chasing. As we get older, we begin to notice how our bodies function in relation to the world around us. We also begin to care about how others perceive us.

Somewhere along the way, we begin to hate our bodies and/or feel constrained by them. We abuse our bodies. We nurture our bodies. We put on weight. We lose weight. We change our appearances. We struggle with our health. We heal. We get pregnant. Or we don't (or can't).  

Throughout it all, our body stays with us; a constant companion in our lives.

Today, we're talking about it all. From our very first memories of our bodies, through the ups and downs, and, ultimately, finding peace, acceptance, and even appreciation for this vessel in which we live.

  Topics Discussed: Going from being a girl to becoming woman When we first became aware of our bodies The pre-teen + teenage years Embracing own beauty and magic Major moments of transformation around body and body images Best version of self comes from the inside out Memories versus pictures The impact of pregnancy and childbirth Learning to love our bodies Fluidity with body and loving self Living with cancer The purpose of struggle Embracing the current reality — good, bad, and ugly Our current practices for nurturing positive body image Resource Links: Light is the New Black by Rebecca Campbell The story behind Betsy’s hair   Hit us up: Twitter: @nandfpodcast and #nandfpodcast Facebook: nourishandflourishpodcast Email: [email protected]

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