Picking up where we left off in Episode #24, we go through everything we've discussed in Episodes 12 through 23 — self-care, CSA's and food, intuition, inspiration around food, stress, the divine feminine, yoga, travel, patience, curiosity, and happiness and joy — and how things have either changed completely, evolved, or stayed the same. We also talked a bit about our relationship before we started, and how it has evolved and strengthened over the course of the last year. We want to hear from you! What have been your favorite episodes to date? Any topics that you want us to delve into for Season 2? The Episode:   Topics Discussed: A recap of Episodes 12 through 23 How our relationship has evolved over the past year The Wrap Party + Book Signing Resource Links: N+F Wrap Party + Book Signing Life Shift: Let Go And Live Your Dream by Aleta St. James ModernWomen Many Moons Planner: July through December 2017 Where to find Emily during the break Where to find Betsy during the break Studio AM   Hit us up: Twitter: @nandfpodcast and #nandfpodcast Facebook: nourishandflourishpodcast Email: [email protected]

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