Have you ever wondered if a regular yoga practice could make a difference in your life? Or if all of the hype around this form of movement is for real? We did, too. Until we began to implement the practice in our own lives and saw what was taking shape for ourselves. Whether you're looking to move your body more and get stronger, or you're looking for a more gentle, grounding practice, yoga can give you what you need. From the physical to the emotional to the spiritual, a regular yoga practice has the potential to be and do all of that (and more. In typical N+F fashion, our journeys with yoga have been vastly different but the outcome — both intended and actual — are the same: more balance, more grounding, and a more full and loving relationship with our bodies.

We want to hear from you!

What role does yoga play in your life? Do you have a regular yoga practice? If so, what are your favorite styles and/or resources? Looking to embark on your own yoga journey? What's holding you back?

Topics Discussed: How yoga first came into our lives The mental and emotional side of yoga Doing versus teaching The physical practice as a doorway to deeper knowing Emily's #100daysofyoga challenge — how it went and what she learned Little things build up to something great The styles of yoga that we gravitate towards Yoga as a powerful tool to take care of self The power of yoga to let it go of stuck emotions and beliefs The freedom of cultivating a home practice Listening to your body Not getting what you expect but getting exactly what you need It's called practice for a reason Our favorite and least favorite poses Harnessing the power of breath The importance of slowing down, focusing inward, and listening Finding the styles and tools that will support you along the way Resource Links: Yoga with Adriene The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali The Movement Episode (Ep #3) The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk Poser: My Life in 23 Yoga Poses by Claire Dederer Ultimate Yogi DVDs by Travis Eliot Wim Hof Method Breathe to Heal TED Talk by Max Strom   Hit us up: Twitter: @nandfpodcast and #nandfpodcast Facebook: nourishandflourishpodcast Email: [email protected]  

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