Heather Crosby, the creative mind behind Yum Universe, came to a major crossroads in her twenties. She was diagnosed with a chronic health condition that would require medication for the rest of her life. She could follow her doctor's orders and take a medication that had a 4-8% chance of fixing the problem, or she could listen to a voice deep inside that was screaming at her to make a change.

Heather decided to listen to that voice deep within and take her health into her own hands. She began to change what she was putting into her body and focused on getting more vegetables into her diet. Slowly but surely, she began to feel better and, after consulting with doctors again, saw that the changes she was making had a direct impact on her health. She learned how to tune in and decipher the clues that her body was giving her.

Somewhere along the way, she decided to share what she was learning and started a blog. Her mission was simple: to prove that healthy, plant-powered eating could be delicious and comforting. Intrigued?

Tune in to today's episode where we dive deep into Heather's transformative health journey, the impetus for starting Yum Universe, what she's cooking up next, and how she continues to take care of herself now that she's got her diet under control.  

  Topics Discussed: Heather's health journey How Yum Universe got started The evolution of Heather's diet The power of baby steps when making changes The connection between health and stress Trusting intuition when it comes to finding key to own health Power of community when it comes to making major dietary changes Focusing on the HOW Having fun with your food Gluten sensitivities and how they show up Locking in on circadian rhythms to improve health Systems and tools for staying balanced and maintaining health Sleep rituals Guilty Pleasures The launch of Heather's Gluten Free Baking Academy and Cookbook #2 What nourishment means to Heather Resource Links: Yum Universe Yum Universe on Instagram Morning Routines (Episode #2) Sleep (Episode #4) Guilty Pleasures (Episode # 10) Gluten Free Baking Academy Yum Universe Cookbook Wheat Belly by Michael Davis Chef’s Table Season 3 on Netflix  Hit us up: Twitter: @nandfpodcast and #nandfpodcast Facebook: nourishandflourishpodcast Email: [email protected]


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