Doctor Verena Raschke-Cheema PhD, MSc. is a highly qualified and dedicated Doctor in Nutritional Sciences and Neuro-Training Kinesiologist, author, health & Wellbeing speaker. She is a passionate, holistic, solution-oriented consultant with 10 years of clinical experience, a holistic health expert and mother of two healthy boys.  Doctor Verena holds a doctorate (PhD) and masters degree (MSc.) in the Nutritional Sciences from the University of Vienna, in Austria, has studied Ayurveda for 3 years alongside Dr. Lilardha Gupta from Vrindaban, India, has completed her Neuro-Training Kinesiology Studies with the Colleague of Neuro-Training in NSW, Australia and is a registered professional member of the Australian Institute of Kinesiologists. She engages in ongoing professional studies with ‘Resolve, beyond Neurology’ to provide her clients with the highest quality service.


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