I’m a clinical pharmacist at Western Medicine Family Physicians in Fairborn, Ohio. And I also teach part-time at Cedarville University School of Pharmacy. I love sharing experiences with the next generation of practitioners especially when I can teach diabetes & functional medicine content! I am currently a Board Certified Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Specialist (BCACP), and Board Certified in Advanced Diabetes Management (BC-ADM).

I married my wonderful husband Dustin in 2007, and graduated from Ohio Northern University Raabe College of Pharmacy in 2009. Then I completed a pharmacy practice residency with emphasis in ambulatory care (primary care) at the Chalmers P. Wylie VA Ambulatory Care Center in Columbus, Ohio. Following residency training, I took a full time faculty position at Cedarville University School of Pharmacy and started a clinical practice in family medicine at the Victor J. Cassano Health Center where I practiced for 6 years.

From a practice standpoint, I have been focused on diabetes management for the majority of my career. I love helping people learn how to eat healthy and figure out what they need when diet and exercise don’t do the trick. I also have been managing other chronic disease states such as hypertension, asthma, and COPD. Most recently I have developed a passion for functional medicine. Functional medicine is treating the underlying causes of disease vs. just treating the symptoms.

On Social Media: @pharmtotable.life @fxmedce




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