Are you still skeptical about the real value of outlining your book? If you just want to dive in and write, I get it. I used to feel the same way. But a smart writer convinced me otherwise, and I'm glad he did. In this episode, discover why outlining will make it easier for you to sell more books, plus 3 more unexpected, often overlooked benefits of creating comprehensive outline for your book.

Ready to craft a your outline for your nonfiction book?
Join us in a live outlining workshop, The Successful Author's Secret Weapon.

Download my free guide "Jump-Start Your Book" and get started writing your nonfiction book with focus and confidence. Get it at

Writing a memoir? Click here for my free memoir checklist.

For more writing tips and inspiration, follow me on Instagram @candiceldavis.

Ready to write your nonfiction book in a supportive writing community? Join us in Authors Ignited at