Welcome to the sixth and final day of our Bored and Brilliant challenge! If you're here for the first time, you'll want to catch up on The Case for Boredom, Challenge 1Challenge 2Challenge 3, Challenge 4, and Challenge 5

You've spent the week picking up your phone purposefully. You've kept it in your pocket, you've abstained from photo-taking, you've considered life beyond the screen. To take our project to its logical — and admittedly weird — conclusion, boredom artist Nina Katchadourian has assigned us a group project.

We want you to get really bored, and then make something creative, introspective, and personal. 

Your instructions today are multi-part: 

Put away your phone.
Put a generous pot of water on the stove and watch it come to a boil. 

If you don't have a stove or a pot, find a small piece of paper and write "1,0,1,0" as small as you can until it’s full.
Either way, you should get bored. Keep it up as long as it takes to daydream. 

Next, take out your wallet and empty it of all its contents. Use them to construct your dream house. It could be the place you wish you lived in all the time or a getaway. Take as long as you need to build.
Give your house a descriptive name.
When you're finished — and only when you're finished — go get your phone. Take a picture of the house. (Careful with your credit card numbers.)
Email your picture to [email protected], and tell us about your creation (put its name and location in the subject line, and tell us why it's your dream house in the body). 
Then, high five a friend. Check out the submissions here. Share your favorites. They'll be uploaded over the weekend.

It's time to get really bored and make something creative. You might just learn something about yourself with this challenge designed by artist Nina Katchadourian.