This week we are bringing you an interview with Tyler Carter from, NuView IRA.

NuView IRA is an administrator for self directed IRA plans. These plans allow investors to direct their retirement investments into alternative asset classes beyond the standard stocks, bonds, and mutual funds commonly associated with retirement planning.

Tyler tosses out an early statistic that was quite a shock to the Note MBA guys that only 2% of the population is aware that their retirement account can invest in asset classes outside of the stock market.

Most of this statistic can be attribute to the failure of our society to financially educate the population at large, but honestly is more a direct correlation to your social status and personal network.

A great point that Tyler makes is that when your funds are trapped inside your employer’s 401(k) plan you have to order off of that employer’s “menu” of options. These menus tend to be limited to stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.

However, once you separate from that employer you can order outside of that “menu” by placing those funds into a self directed IRA and opening your retirement investing up to a variety of asset classes previously off limits in your 401(k).

If you’re listening to this show and you don’t have a self directed IRA we truly hope this episode compels to start your due diligence into opening up your own self directed IRA account.

Additionally, it should be your responsibility to share the power of a self directed IRA with five other members of your personal network and help expand the trickle down effect of this powerful tool for retirement investing.

Note: 2015 IRA limits are $5,500 if you’re under 50 years of age, and $6,500 over 50 years of age.

Tyler also mentions the higher levels of investment limits if you are self-employed, something you should look into if you’re running your own business.

The free e-guide Tyler mentions can be found at:

Tyler can be reached via e-mail: [email protected]

As always send you questions to [email protected].

Listen to this week’s show and learn:

How You're Among The Elite If You Listen To This Episode
The Basic Premise Of A Self Directed IRA
Limits To Annual IRA Contributions
The Importance Of Separating Yourself From The Normal Investment Menu
A Heads Up On A New Case Study With Note MBA And A Self Directed IRA

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Thanks for listening to our show! We’ll be back next Wednesday morning.


Chase & Robby