Happy to be the legal drink age of show numbers. So, raise a glass, wherever you are, to the podcast

Chase put together a webinar on marketing for our listeners last week. If you weren't able to make it, don't worry it has been recorded.

You can check out the webinar on our new YouTube channel by going to: NoteMBA: Note Investing On YouTube

Robby was just up in Chicago pitching NoteLinQ and checking out a Cubs game.

Following Chicago Robby will be heading out to Las Vegas for Paper Source at the Tuscany Hotel. Come say hi to Robby and catch his panel with Jack Krupey, Fuquan Bilal, and Rob Hytha.

Robby is trying to sort out his next trip since he forgot he had to go to Chicago and Vegas. The current debate is between three weeks in India or Nicaragua.

The key to lifestyle design is continuing to keep your company's systems working while abroad. The system, Internet connection, and a good international cell phone plan are the keys to keeping the company going.

Stacey, Robby's new assistant, will help make things that much easier.

We also talk about the need for a mentor in your business as Robby has been working with a Business/Life coach on a variety of issues that come up on a daily basis regarding the big picture goals.

It was in line with some recent articles that have been popping up online regarding some of the behaviors of the most successful people in the country; having a coach and mentor being one of the key factors.

In the deal space, Robby has a property in Ohio that is going to foreclosure sale this Friday, May 1st. Given his main business strategy revolves around building a strong rental portfolio, he is torn between trying to let it sell at auction by submitting a lower bid and taking the cash.

We'll have the numbers in a case study for you in a few weeks after the Sheriff's sale takes place.

Ohio is a unique state in that the Sheriff's office sends out three people to asses the value of the asset prior to sale. They take an average of the three and then take 2/3 of that amount and that is the minimum opening bid for the sale.

We touch lightly on focusing how you set up your JV deals regarding the level of money your investors have to invest. 

One of the biggest take aways is not taking the last 10 or 20 thousand dollars that your investor has to put to work, because you may have to come out of pocket to finish a deal.

Get out there and find a deal, the money will find you.



As always send you questions to [email protected].

Listen to this week’s show and learn:

Marketing Webinar For Note Investors
Where The NoteMBA Crew Will Be Next
Some Key Factors For Setting Up Business Systems
Why Mentors And Coaches In Your Business Are So Important
A New Ohio Deal, Breaking Down Various Strategies
How The Sheriff's Office In Ohio Operates
JV Deal Structure Philosophy

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Thanks for listening to our show! We’ll be back next Wednesday morning.


Chase & Robby