In this episode, we ask: Why the buzz on the 401(k)? Who is Nobel Prize winner, Harvard University Professor Emeritus, Robert Merton and what is he saying about retirement plans? What happened to good, old-fashioned pensions? What is a 401(k) plan, exactly? When was the first 401(k) started? What did Katrina find when she googled the...

In this episode, we ask:

Why the buzz on the 401(k)?
Who is Nobel Prize winner, Harvard University Professor Emeritus, Robert Merton and what is he saying about retirement plans?
What happened to good, old-fashioned pensions?
What is a 401(k) plan, exactly? When was the first 401(k) started?
What did Katrina find when she googled the words “401(k) news”?
Who is considered the father of the 401(k), Ted Benna, and what is he saying about the 401(k) today?
What are Ted Benna’s most recent financial recommendations?
Oooh. What did Holly find in the Wall Street Journal?
How were corporations managing their books differently when they offered pensions?
Are 401(k)s safe or risky?
Where were tax rates in the early 80’s? How do these compare to today’s rates? How does this affect the performance of the 401(k)?
Who is Nelson Nash, and what is he saying about qualified plans, including the 401(k)?
Who is Nobel Prize winner, Richard Thaler, and what is he saying about 401(k) participation?
What about employer benefits, like the merits of the match?

Holly’s reference to the Wall Street Journal


This is the first episode in a three part series on qualified plans, like the 401(k). Continue with us on our deep dive into thinking differently about the 401(k) in Episode 10 and Episode 11, too.