In this episode, we ask: What is the exceedingly odd number? Why? What about the imperial Roman war chariot? What about the space shuttle? What are the historical roots of our financial principles? What are the ruts? What are the engrained financial beliefs? What would you do? Who is stuck in the rut? What is...

In this episode, we ask:

What is the exceedingly odd number?
What about the imperial Roman war chariot?
What about the space shuttle?
What are the historical roots of our financial principles?
What are the ruts?
What are the engrained financial beliefs?
What would you do?
Who is stuck in the rut?
What is analysis paralysis?
What about second guessing yourself?
What are the phases?
What about curiosity?
What about hope?
What changes?
What about the fear of making the wrong decision?
What about missed opportunities?
What about real consequences?
What about the inverse relationship between spinning tires and forward momentum?
Where is your energy going?
What do we do with overwhelm?
When does this become a problem?
What about confusion?
What about whirlwinds of thought?
What about the spinning wheel of over-thinking?
How might analysis paralysis sabotage the big issues in your life?
Is the tire just stuck in the snow?
What happened to Mark when he learned about the Bank on Yourself® type whole life insurance policies?
Do you truly understand the policy?
What about rigid thinking?
What about cognitive flexibility?
What are some both/and ideas?
What about an example?
What happened at the year-end review?
What about perfectionism?
What about being careful?
What about people pleasing?
Is the person I’m trying to please planning to be financially involved with my financial future?
Who has made mistakes with money?
How might one recover resilience and confidence?
What did Mark learn when his car was stuck in the ice and snow?
What is the correlation between learning and doing?
What do you need to know?
What about the contractual guarantee?
What about the financial ruts of the past?
Where do you want to go financially?
What are some steps?
What are the signals the body and mind are sending?
What about the permission to be flexible?
Are you confident that you can make good decisions?
What’s the worst that can happen?
Who is can deal with moments of stress, challenge and discomfort?
Who deserves to get a voice, and who are the stakeholders?
What can we predict?
What about a financially solvent future?
Do you know enough to make a good decision?
What are your success stories?