In this episode, we ask: Who do you know who needs to hear this? Would you like a free book? What are the four greatest dangers to your retirement? Did you hear Episode 338? How does the Bank on Yourself® type whole life insurance policy solve these dangers? What does Pamela Yellen do to protect...

In this episode, we ask:

Who do you know who needs to hear this?
Would you like a free book?
What are the four greatest dangers to your retirement?
Did you hear Episode 338?
How does the Bank on Yourself® type whole life insurance policy solve these dangers?
What does Pamela Yellen do to protect the intellectual property and quality of the Bank on Yourself® brand?
Are you getting a correctly and properly designed dividend paying whole life insurance policy?
Did you buy an incorrectly designed policy? Would you to book a meeting with us to get a second set of eyes on that policy?
Are you working with a Bank on Yourself® Professional?
Would you like to hear Episode 160?
What about predictable guaranteed growth, liquidity and tax advantages?
When do you need money most?
Where does the guarantee come from?
What about dividends?
How long have our companies been paying dividends?
What is the minimum amount of saving you will have on the day you plan to retire?
Who audits the life insurance companies?
How rare is it for insurance companies to go bankrupt?
Who backs the insurance companies?
Are banks a safe place to keep money?
How many banks failed in 2008?
What happened to the deposits of those banks?
Who bailed them out?
Pop quiz?
How many life insurance companies failed in 2008?
What happened to Lincoln Memorial Life Insurance?
What was the result for the policy holders?
What is Bank Owned Life Insurance?
What did an FDIC report show about bank’s life insurance holdings?
How much cash value is on the balance sheet of these banks?
What are banks doing with their money?
What about fees and cost surprises?
What happens in a traditional retirement account with fees of 1%?
How much is paid to life insurance agent as commission?
Which one costs more?
Which one goes on forever?
Which one has a stop loss?
Who gets guarantees?
Why would Bank on Yourself® Professionals take reduced pay?
How much of your cash value can you access?
What are the RMDs on whole life insurance?
Who is in complete control of the money in a life insurance policy?
What do you finance?
Who pays interest?
Who earns interest?
What about assets under management (AUM)?
What about all of the dollars you pay in expenses throughout your life?
What is the required repayment scheduled on life insurance cash value loan balances?
Can your money do two things at once?
What is compounding and growing?
Who offers these unique products?
What about self financing?
Are you constantly interrupting the growth of your money because you need to buy stuff?
Is there a better way?
What are some famous examples of successful business owners?
What happened following the 1929 stock market crash?
Does having money safe, liquid, growing at a competitive rate without market risk, take away any of your options?
Doesn’t it give you more options?
What are the multiple tax advantages?
Do you know what your tax bill will be?
What about the tax on social security?
Is income taken from your policy taxable?
What about medicare premium?
What about business owners financing business expenses?
What about the death benefit?
What do you want your money doing for you?
Does your strategy give you guaranteed growth?
Does your strategy lock in your principal in growth?
Does your strategy give you control over your money?
Does your strategy let you use your money without penalty?
Does your strategy give you a tax free retirement income?
What gives you more freedom?
What about Roth accounts?
What about life insurance policies?
Does your strategy let you access your money without liquidating your cash?
What are the restrictions on 401(k) loans?
What hardship happens if you lose your job?
What is truly unique in the financial universe?
Would you like to hear more in Episode 205 and Episode 206?
Does your strategy finish funding yourself if you die prematurely?
Does your strategy let you know the minimum guaranteed value of your savings?
Does your strategy give you a plan where you can count on it?
What works to your advantage in every single instance here?
What do you want your money doing for you?
How about some case studies?
What makes sense in your situation?
Why work with Mark Willis, CFP®?
What is key to making sure your policy is designed properly?
Do they have the right credential?
Would you like some personalized reports?
Would you like to schedule a meeting?