In this episode, we ask: What is better than a five star review? Who needs to hear this? Do you know how grateful we are for you? How might we stay motivated to get wealthy? How long will we live? How will today turn out? What about the curve balls? What about transcendent spiritual experience?...

In this episode, we ask:

What is better than a five star review? Who needs to hear this?
Do you know how grateful we are for you?
How might we stay motivated to get wealthy?
How long will we live?
How will today turn out?
What about the curve balls?
What about transcendent spiritual experience?
What about living by the day and measuring by the decade?
What defines your life?
What about the gain?
Where are you now?
What are some ways to stay motivated?
What about adding a zero to your goals?
Who is your mentor?
Who are you mentoring?
How might you starve your fear?
Are you the news?
What are your wins?
Are you reading “just in time” books?
What about SMARTER goals?
What about fitness and play?
What is none of your business?
What are you NOT watching?
What did Judd Brewer say?
What is distraction?
What about habit loops?
What about your mind? What about your brain?
How might one unhook from negative habits?
What about considering the little bean plant?
What about adding a trellis?
What about rhythms and relationships?
What is a spiritual budget?
What are the three ultimate currencies?
What are you paying attention to?
What are the two meanings of appreciation?
How will I prioritize my finite resource?
How am I going to spend what I have?
Are attention deficits causing financial deficits?
What about budgeting attention?
What about budgeting money?
What about budgeting time?
What about budgeting energy?
What about regular patterns of activity?
Who will I look like in the future?
What is just the right amount of structure?
What are you doing in the morning, in the middle of the day, in the evening?
What might you trade?
Are you trading for assets or liabilities?
When will you see your net worth grow?
How are health and wealth related?
What did Rabbi Lapin say?
What is the infinite game?
What did Gloria Steinem say?
What does the future look like?
What does retirement mean?
What happens when we come face-to-face with death?
What did Jamie Hopkins say about rewirement?
What about building a framework?
What might you lean on?
What about bank on yourself type whole life insurance and annuities?
What about directions?
What about building something solid?
Would you like to meet with Mark?